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The Property for Sale

Get both properties for the price of one!

Current price $275,000USD for both the 50 acre farm and the smaller property with a house, pool, and cabina that is located a few minute walk away. The information on the smaller property can be found by clicking here.

Due to health issues we had to leave Costa Rica. For this reason we have reduced the price, and are also offering amazing owner financing terms.  For owner financing we only need a 15% down payment with the rest to be paid either in monthly or yearly payments with only 5% APR.  Will are flexible on how many years the payments will be for.  You will not find better owner financing terms anywhere in Costa Rica.

The property is a 50 acre organic off grid farm with a fully furnished rustic 832 square foot house constructed in 2015. 

 Accommodation is in high demand here, as many tourists come to visit Corcovado National Park. The entrance to the park is just steps away and the trail borders the farm.  This makes the farm a perfect location for someone interested in creating a boutique ecolodge or hosting farm tours.  


The property is located in a small town of less than 400 people in the Osa Peninsula.  The town is only eight miles away from the beach and a larger town with all the amenities you could wish for.  For more information about the town, click here. For more information about the Osa Peninsula and the surrounding area, click here.


First, some videos and photos taken on the property of our many animal visitors.  They were all taken with an iphone(limited zoom), to give you an idea how close we were. Since we have hundreds of banana plants and many papaya trees, we always have mature bananas and papayas that we leave in the field to feed wildlife.  The banana field is directly beside the house, and the papaya trees are scattered around it; this attracts a lot of wildlife close to the house.


New Photos of the House have been Added Below

Squirrel Monkey

Squirrel Monkey

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 There is a troop of Central American Squirrel Monkeys that live on the property.  This species of Squirrel Monkey(Saimiri oerstedii oerstedii) used to be listed as endangered, but is now listed as vulnerable. The only place in the world to see these monkeys are select locations in Costa Rica and Panama.  

Fiery-Billed Aracaris

Fiery-Billed Aracaris

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Chesnut-Mandibled Toucans with Fiery-Billed Aracaris

Chesnut-Mandibled Toucans with Fiery-Billed Aracaris

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Chestnut-Mandibled Toucans visit daily, and at every sunset we hear them calling to each other.  Often they are accompanied by Fiery-Billed Aracaris.

 We have also seen Howler Monkeys and Spider Monkeys on the property, and 

frequently hear Howler Monkeys.

Howler Monkey with Baby

Howler Monkey with Baby

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Spider Monkeys

Spider Monkeys

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Howler Monkey 1

Howler Monkey 1

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Howler Monkeys 1

Howler Monkeys 1

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Howler Monkeys 2

Howler Monkeys 2

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Howler Monkeys 3

Howler Monkeys 3

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Howler Monkeys 4

Howler Monkeys 4

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Other frequent visitors are: Scarlett Macaws, Coatis,  Gray-Necked Wood Rails, Slaty-Tailed Trogons, Hummingbirds, Peccaries, Bats, Iguanas, a variety of various reptiles and amphibians and many species of birds too numerous to count.  A park guide once found a tapir print on the property as well.  We have been told they are attracted to the smell of bananas, and feel that if we didn’t have dogs we would likely have tapirs visit.

Can you spot the Scarlett Macaws?
King Vulture
Tree Frog
King Vulture
An Iguana that came in the house
Tree Frog
Black Vultures
Black Vultures with an immature King


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The property is hilly and the majority of  it(around 44 acres) is primary rainforest.  The rest(6 acres or so)was cleared in the past and now has a variety of fruit trees planted on it, with space for more. 

    The property came with a few mature fruit trees, and we have planted hundreds of different fruit trees since we purchased the property in 2014.  Many of these trees are now producing.  We use zero chemical fertilizers or pesticides, so everything is organic.

These are the current mature(producing) fruit trees:  four cashew, five cacao(chocolate), many papaya, two coconut, three mango, numerous guavas and ice cream beans, one achiote(lipstick tree), one miracle fruit, several moringa, three rambutan, two soursop, two atemoya, several lemon, and one chili pepper tree.

Miracle Fruit
Lipstick tree(Achiote)
Chili Peppers

In 2018 we started over 50 cacao, 30 coconut 25 ice cream bean, 20 atemoya, 20 soursop and 7 jackfruit trees.

Cacao takes between 3-4 years to produce, so in a few years there will be enough cacao to start a chocolate related business. The ice cream beans will be intercropped with the cacao, providing shade and also being excellent nitrogen fixers.  They start producing in 1-2 years and have tasty fruit that some say resembles the taste of vanilla ice cream, hence the name.

Other trees that we planted in 2014, but have not produced yet: one fig, one almond, one finger(caviar) lime, two jaboticaba(should be ready anytime), five breadfruit(should also be ready anytime), many types of citrus, passionfruit, star fruit, many coconuts, green bamboo for building, many types of cacao, cashew, avocado, morninga, and mango. 

    There are also many edible plants on the property.  There are hundreds of mature banana plants(many different types), so there is a constant supply of bananas.  Other plants that are currently producing are: white pineapple(around 30 plants), many yucca/cassava/tapioca,  tons of taro, pigeon peas, and many greens(katuk, bele, chaya, moringa, gotu kola, purslane, cranberry hibiscus).  There is one vanilla plant that is old enough to produce, but we have not seen flowers yet.

Vanilla with a stick insect
Pigeon Peas
Living Room Area

The 832 square foot house was built in 2015 with cedar wood.  Cedar is an ideal wood for jungle building as it is long-lasting and naturally resistant to  termites.  The water comes from a stream on site, and the electricity is from solar panels.  There is a composting toilet. The house is a simple open-air design.  It is octagonal in shape, with each wooden wall measuring thirteen feet in length and a bit over three feet in height. The ceiling is vaulted and peaks at thirteen feet. There are plastic shutters that open.  The floor is cement.  It is located on the top of a hill, at the end of a 1000 foot gravel driveway.  

 The house will be left furnished, which includes but is not limited to: a full sized Whirlpool fridge with freezer(Purchased new in 2015), LG chest freezer(Purchased new in 2017), LG washing machine(purchased new in 2018), LG gas oven(Purchased new in 2018), two recliners with a bamboo coffee table, Vitamix blender, SlowStar juicer, Cuisinart food processor, waffle iron, queen sized bed with bamboo frame, wet/dry ShopVac, bamboo shelves, desk with office chair, surf board, fans, weed eater, generator, two bicycles, many books, tools and various other items.


There is a stream in the middle of the property with many small waterfalls.  The largest waterfall is about 12 feet high and has a natural pool underneath that is great to bathe in on a hot day.  The property also borders another stream on one side.

 There are many trails that run through the property with the potential for more. In 2015 a five mile trail(Sendero El Tigre) into Corcovado National Park was opened in town.  Of the four entrances into Corcovado, Sendero El Tigre is the only one that can be walked in a day and doesn’t require advance registration with the park service. This trail borders the property, so the farm is a prime location for anyone interested in a having any sort of tourism-related business.  The main trail on the property runs through the center and takes around 45 minutes to walk from the house to the top, where it then connects to the Sendero El Tigre trail.  

Below are the survey maps for the farm.  There are two because one part is inside the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve and one is outside the reserve.

There is also a large lombricomposting(worm) system which can produce forty kilograms of castings(compost) per month.  It is made with hardwood so it will last many years.  Black soldier flies are abundant here as well, and a composting system could easily be set up with them.  

 The area is very gold rich, and a few people still pan for gold in the rivers.  In the 1980s there was a gold rush in the town, and a Canadian company brought in gold mining machines.  They raked the main part of town, right to the edge of our property.  We once found a small piece of gold a few steps in front of our house when moving some earth around. 

The photo to the left is looking up the driveway, about 150 feet from the road.

The photo to the right is looking down the driveway from beside the house.

Secluded but not too remote, the house has complete privacy.  Although in many areas of Costa Rica you have to worry about crime, in the three years we have lived on this property we’ve never had any issues with theft.  

From the platform on the roof you can see the ocean(Golfo Dulce).  We need to get a better photo, but the one to the left was taken from the banana field.  You can see the ocean in the background.

When the building site was leveled for the house, many pieces of pre-Colombian indigenous pottery were found, and we still occasionally find some whilst planting things.  The photo to the right are two of the objects that were found during construction of the house.

The 3200kWh solar system is top of the line and was professionally installed in 2015.  There are eight panels, four Rolls batteries, and all other components are from the Outback company.


With the purchase of this property, the buyer is eligible for Costa Rican residency and eventual citizenship, as anyone who invests $200,000USD or more in Costa Rica is eligible for residency.


We are selling as we bought this when we were relatively young(23&29).  Since then we have learned a lot about ourselves and as such our priorities have changed.

Interested? Contact us at:

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